Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Thank you, God, for everything. Truly. My life is blessed with beautiful family, friends, school, work, and home. I am blessed with God's wondrous creation right in my own yard. I have the best neighbors in the whole wide world. My coworkers are amazing. My husband is tolerant of my quirks, foibles, and obsessions. My schooling continues to be managable. My work is life-changing. Church is a constant reminder of who I am as a person, and the vehicle for working out my salvation. My sister is a marvel who inspires me with her insight into humanity, and whose generous spirit humbles me. My grandchildren are the light of my life, my reason above all for living, my joy, my love. My daughter is a much better person than I ever hope to be; she is patient, energetic, industrious, hospitable, and sweet natured beyond words - not qualities her father or I posess! Thank you, God, for the food we eat. Thank you for the world so sweet. Thank you, God, for everything.

1 comment:

Mama of 5 said...

Lovely...and she does too get those things from you and Vern!