Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

Merry Christmas - and I do mean Merry Christmas, not Merry Holiday, or some other innocuous greeting that means absolutely nothing. Christmas is a Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Christ! Hence the title Christmas. I don't care if people celebrate Hanuka, or Kwanza instead of Christmas; Happy Hanuka and Merry Kwanza to them, and I mean that joyfully. I am a Christian and I celebrate Christmas, so please wish me a Merry Christmas. I find it curious that the same folk who want to take Christ out of the holiday are not complaining about receiving a federal holiday from work, or asking that it be removed as one of our federal holidays altogether. I wonder if folks have ever thought about where St. Valentines Day originated? Or Halloween for that matter. Many of our Holidays have a Christian origin. Take Thanksgiving; who are we giving thanks to? I dare say the pilgrims were not giving thanks to some goddess. Okay, enough ranting. I really do wish everyone a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart. Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

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